Pôle d'expertise : Art & Cultural Management
Documents disponibles (52)
1. In Plinio (Nat. V 115), si trova la notizia secondo cui Efeso, fondata dalle Amazzoni, ai tempi della guerra di Troia portava il nome di Alope1 . Il dettaglio si inserisce in un catalogo di nomi antichi della città, ordinati secondo un c[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Tindara ABBATE, Auteur ; Carlo VERMIGLIO, Auteur ; Vincenzo ZARONE, Auteur ; Mirko PERANO, Auteur | Taylor & Francis | 2022Blockchain technology is currently stimulating a broader process of social and industrial transformation impacting several potential areas of adoption (e.g. transactions, tracking and tracing solutions, authenticity, etc …). The acceptance of th[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur | 2022Si en Occident la perception principale que l’on peut avoir de la relation entre la Chine et l’art contemporain est la manifeste défiance du régime de Pékin envers un certain nombre d’artistes nationaux, le fait est qu’en moins de vingt ans, la [...]Article
François RIBAC, Auteur | 2022Cette étude découle d’une enquête de terrain sur « la fabrique de la programmation culturelle », conduite avec Catherine Dutheil-Pessin en 2011–2013 dans les régions Pays de la Loire et Île-de-France, en Isère et auprès de plusieurs festivals e[...]Texte imprimé
By bringing together theoretical and empirical contributions from international scholars belonging to different fields of research, such as management, entrepreneurship, sociology, philosophy and anthropology, this volume seeks to provide reader[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Simeng CHANG, Auteur ; Roberto ZANOLA, Auteur | 2021Although the contemporary art system has experienced relevant changes in Mainland China over the past decades, only recently it gained an international reputation. Within this context, art fairs played a strategic role in developing relationship[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Andrej SRAKAR, Auteur | 2021Cultural policy typologies are a widely discussed topic in cultural policy research, though only a few typologies have been developed so far. The aim of this paper is to analyze existing cultural policy typologies for European countries and cont[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Maureen M. NASH, Auteur ; Srakar ANDREJ, Auteur | 2021Board financial contributions and board fundraising efforts are fundamental to financial sustainability in the American cultural sector. This study investigates the relationship between board size and fundraising performance in relation to resou[...]Article
Pierre POINSIGNON, Auteur ; Robin CHARBONNIER, Auteur ; Thomas PARIS, Auteur | 2021Dans un marché de la musique morne, le distributeur numérique Believe s’est développé au point de concurrencer les Majors du secteur. Cet article analyse ses choix stratégiques singuliers pour en tirer des enseignements sur les mutations numér[...]Tribune
Marilena VECCO, Auteur | 2021La Chine est devenue le leader mondial du marché de l’art, en se concentrant sur l’art contemporain. Un revirement important pour le régime, qui a longtemps méprisé cette forme d’art.Texte imprimé
Pieter M. KROONENBERG, Auteur ; Marilena VECCO, Collaborateur | Springer Verlag | Quantitative methods in the humanities and social sciences | 2021This case study-based textbook in multivariate analysis for advanced students in the humanities emphasizes descriptive, exploratory analyses of various types of data sets from a wide range of sub-disciplines, promoting the use of multivariate an[...]
Index. décimale : 212.67 Article
Marco DONATO, Auteur | 2021This article primarily tackles implicit poetic references in the Parmenides, trying to show that Plato adverts the reader that he’s going to adopt a different style of writing in the second part of this dialogue. The choice of a new dialogical f[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Juan PRIETO-RODRIGUEZ, Auteur | 2021The hypothesis of a single deterministic price structure in the art market is unrealistic because of price dispersion, heterogeneity, limited information, and a lack of price transparency. Considerable price heterogeneity is associated with diff[...]Article
Marilena VECCO, Auteur ; Luigi FUSCO GIRARD, Auteur | 2021By referring to the European Green Deal, this paper analyzes the “intrinsic value” of cultural heritage by investigating the human-centered adaptive reuse of this heritage. This implies questions such as how to improve the effectiveness of reuse[...]Article
The Repeat-Sales (RS) model controls quality by using the prices of the same items in various time periods. However, this methodology suffers from sample selection bias. To address this issue, a Heckman two-stage procedure has been applied to a [...]