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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 212.79 (7)
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L'emploi des méthodes qualitatives suppose des techniques très particulières d'analyse des données centrée sur le codage. Cet ouvrage propose de présenter les fondamentaux du codage dont l'objectif est une construction théorique.Avec l'arrivée d[...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
Contents : - Introduction - Designing qualitative research - Ethical issues - A dramaturgical look at interviewing - Focus group interviewing - Ethnographic field strategies - Action research - Unobstrusive measures in research - Historiography [...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
This is the perfect book for any student new to qualitative research. In this exciting and major updating of what has become a benchmark text, David Silverman walks the reader through the basics of gathering and analysing qualitative data for th[...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
Cet ouvrage rassemble de manière cohérente et progressive un ensemble d'outils efficaces pour établir des conclusions fiables et choisir une méthode d'analyse des données. Il encourage leur utilisation et surtout, leur perfectionnement. Chaque c[...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
Qualitative research is an exciting blend of scientific investigation and creative discovery. It is a skilled craft used by practitioners and researchers in the "real world", as well as students in Further and Higher Education. When executed pro[...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
This book seeks to introduce readers to selections that provide a solid intellectual grounding in the area of qualitative research. The selections examine the theoretical underpinnings, methodological perspectives, and empirical approaches that [...]
Index. décimale : 212.79 Texte imprimé
In this book, the authors bring the art of qualitative data analysis up to date, adding a wide range of new techniques, ideas, and references that draw on the experience of the authors and many colleagues in the craft of qualitative data analysi[...]
Index. décimale : 212.79